Sunday, April 14, 2013

EverFi Financial Literacy: End of the Year Program


Please go to EverFi to register.

Follow the steps and use the appropriate class code:

5th Period Class Code:4524bad7

7th Period Class Code:10d6e63a

You must pass and complete all modules prior to the end of the quarter. It is self paced and I will get your answers and scores automatically. This in conjunction with Magnetar Academy and the Final Chapters of the NFTE curriculum will round out our year.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chap 11 Exam.



Moving on to the next round....


Congratulations to everyone on completing their business plans and their presentations.

The students who will move on to the next round this Tuesday-the 16th, of April are:

5th Period
Arabella's Boutique-Megan Rainey & Diamond Andrewin
IPetPlans-LaShana Robinson and Abajah Johnkin
App Mods-Larryon Johnson and Stanphon Hunter
Frogo-Ariel Green and Chrishina Morris
Mark Away- Elease Cox and Kristen Willis
Quaky Shakes-Bruce Scott & Craig Noys

7th Period Grayer Smith & Holly Slaughter
Save a Ninja-Kaylen Smith
La Bella Vita Salon-Nicole Hall
??-Rashad Matthews & James Shepard
Wait No More-Monet Jackson
Glam Couture-Deresha Thompson

Moving Forward Notes: Everyone Needs to email me at CTIMBERS@CICSELLISON.ORG.
I will send you specific notes on "do now's" for your project.
Overall, everyone should:

1.Explain their business clearly- You will have 8 min. for your presentation. Plus Q&A with Judges
2. Understand and know your numbers-Figure out your expenses-this is the quickest way to win or lose.
3.How will you market your business? Clarify and give examples of how it will look on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
4.Scalability- How do you plan on growing and expanding your business? Explain.
5. More pics, shots of your idea.

We may not have access to the internet, we will NOT have Macs-it will be a PC. Re-format videos and everything for a PC. Plan accordingly, in case technology does not work.

Dress to impress, and hold nothing back. The winners here, move on to city-wide.

Great job!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Business Plan Competitions April 10th-12th

Wednesday is the official start of the business plan presentations. We will go Wednesday April 10th through Friday the 12th. The top presenters from both classes will then present at the Chicago Board of Exchange on April 16th, 2013. All business Plans are due to Mr. Timbers-Ausar by end of day Tuesday April 9th, 2013. No plans will be accepted via e-mail.  All students who do not present are not eligible for the classroom finals on the 16th or any other competition moving forward.  Please view the rubric! Good Luck!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Save a Ninja Wins!!!

According to Program Director Mike Davis of NFTE "Kaylen and Ashley both participated on the winning team at NFTE Launch.  The judges really liked their idea and particularly their presentation for their mobile app “Save a Ninja” that was focused on allowing students to send anonymous texts to inform school authorities of bullying.  Their team had some internal conflict and I was really proud to see how they worked out their differences to create a good final product.

They both were extremely active participants throughout the week—I don’t know if you were the one to teach them this, but they were the most consistent students in asking questions AND always making sure to give positive feedback to our presenters.  It was a pleasure to have them.". 

Lets congratulate these extraordinary young ladies. Let them know when we see them, how proud we are of them in how they represented CICS-Ralph Ellison!